Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Car Concept with Bio-Electric Hybrid Technology by Paul Howse


Car Concept with Bio-Electric Hybrid Technology by Paul Howse

Luxury doesn’t have to mean
expense or extravagance. Moreover, in the fragility of 21st century
consumerism, exclusivity could go much further, where its perceptual value
increases over time and through an experience of the product. Just as classic
watches and historic cars develop a story and history over time, the owner of a
vehicle should feel this experience. A patination of material such as bronze,
that is hand-crafted or develops over time and is unique to each ownership
situation would bring a valid ‘local quality’ that could be argued as being
lost in today’s globalized world.

Technology was also an important
part of the project, in that being at the forefront of technology would allow
an entirely new, exclusive proportion of vehicle. By using bio-electric hybrid
technology in situated low down in the chassis, I was able to celebrate the
lack of an internal combustion engine and create an entirely new proportion of
vehicle. The use of cameras and projections on the interior allows for the
deletion of the traditional windscreen and allows the long, low, sculptural
bonnet to run up over into the roof, uninterrupted. Again, something only
exclusively possible with this car. I also wanted to emphasize the interior
element, to show that it is cradled in the structure, a precious entity much
like a Faberge egg. By suspending the interior in magnetic levitation it
further separates it from the technical elements of the car whilst providing a
truly serene ride quality.

As it is intended to be used only
on special occasions and cosseted, it will be kept in a specifically designed
building from which you can control the atmosphere the car is kept in and thus
control the patination, much like a cigar humidor. The building will be covered
in photo-voltaic solar panels and will be able to store up solar energy to be
used to power the car. If energy levels drop, then it will run off the national
grid, but otherwise it will be solely self-sufficient.

All of these factors should add
up to truly unique, exclusive ownership experience, while a creating a mystique
about the car, the like of which may not have been seen since the art deco

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